Daughters of Wisdom Attend "Care Not Cuts" Rally

On Monday, May 22, the Daughters of Wisdom co-sponsored the NETWORK Lobby for Catholic Social Justice Care Not Cuts rally in Brentwood, NY to demand that Representatives protect life-saving safety-net programs in the U.S. budget. The June 1 deadline for a debt ceiling agreement is fast approaching, and cuts to programs such as food stamps, healthcare and housing for low-income people, are being threatened as a bargaining measure. Some House Republicans are demanding that House Leader Kevin McCarthy (CA-20) stop negotiations with President Biden and push the Senate to pass a bill. NETWORK's faith-filled community knows that Congress and the President must keep working to reach an agreement on a moral budget.

Nine members of the Daughters of Wisdom attended the rally. Spirit-filled supporters are praying for a moral budget that does not impose cuts to food stamps, healthcare, and housing for low-income people as a bargaining chip to lower the debt ceiling.

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Catherine McWilliams