Thank you to all our donors and friends for your support throughout the year. We are grateful and appreciative.

January 1, 2024 to January 7, 2025

Maria Bevilacqua In memory of George J. Mullane, Jr. (General Fund)

Carolann Asselin In honor of Sister Cathy Murtha, D.W. (General Fund)

Mario Bagaglio In honor of Christina Malonzo (Retirement Fund) 

Herbert Barnes In memory of Mary and Helen Twomey (General Fund)

Denise M. Beston In memory of Dorothy Suriano (General Fund)

Hilary C. Bittner In memory of Sister Anna Bittner, D.W. (Retirement and Sound Beach Projects Funds) “We miss you so much!”  Love, Robert & Hilary)

Marc Bivona In memory of Dorothy Suriano, may she rest in eternal peace and may her memory bring comfort to those who mourn her loss (General Fund)

Craig Bronjes In memory of George J. Mullane, Jr. (General Fund)

John Buckley In memory of his mother, Mary Jane Buckley (General Fund)

Eileen Coen Cacioppo In honor of the Daughters of Wisdom 75th Anniversary in the U.S. (General Fund)

Candida Canfield In memory of Sister Joan Canfield, D.W. (General Fund)

Arlene Carney In honor of my wonderful DW teachers at OLWA (Retirement Fund)

Jean Carr In honor of Sister Mary Steifvater, D.W. (General Fund)

Lynne Celentano In memory of George J. Mullane, Jr. (General Fund)

Alice and John Cilio In memory of George J. Mullane Jr. (General Fund)

Florence Clark In honor of William and Mary Beth Croutier, Kevin and Patrice Croutier, John and Patricia Coghlan, Matthew and Margaret Croutier, Vincent and Julia Croutier, Eugene Croutier, Deceased, Vito and Lee Ann Triano, Daniel and Catherine Croutier, Brian and Judi Croutier, Timothy and Michelle Gola (General Fund)                                                                

William Cole In memory of Sister Veronica Byrne, D.W. (Wisdom House Elevator Fund)

Susan Cooper In memory of George J. Mullane, Jr. (General Fund)

Core Lender Services Inc. In memory of George J. Mullane, Jr. (General Fund)    

Karen and Sean Czarnomski In memory of George J. Mullane, Jr. (General Fund)

Richard Davis In honor of Sister Marie Sopr, D.W.  (General Fund)

De Matteis Family In memory of Sister Patricia “Agnes” Bracken, D.W. (General Fund) 

Mary Dennis (and children and grandchildren of Theresa) In memory of Theresa Fontinell (General Fund)

Mary, Chip and Theresa Dennis In honor of Frank Fontinell (General Fund)

Anne Marie & Anthony Dolan In memory of George J. Mullane, Jr. (General Fund)                                                                        

DRA Advisors In memory of Dorothy Suriano (General Fund)

Ellen Edelstein In memory of George J. Mullane, Jr. (General Fund)

Millie Ferrin In memory of George J. Mullane, Jr. (General Fund) 

Frank Fontinell In memory of Theresa Fontinell (General Fund) and (Retirement Fund)                                                            

Alyse Franco In memory of Sister Jeannine Boutin, D.W. (General Fund) 

Ellen Francois In honor of the 2024 Jubilarians (Sound Beach Projects)

Ellen Francois In honor of the 75th Anniversary of the Daughters of Wisdom in the U.S. (General Fund)

Kathleen Gansert “In honor of Sister Emma Rohn, D.W. and Sister Laura Algiere, D.W. In gratitude for the wonderful Sisters who served at Christ the King High School in Middle Village, Where I was known as Kathy Oberhofer, Class of 1966.” (Retirement Fund)                                                         

Kathleen Garrity In memory of Sister Margaret McCabe, D.W. (Sound Beach Projects)

Patricia and John Gondek In honor of the 60th Wedding Anniversary of Carol and Bob Hennessey (General Fund)

Eleanor Gould In memory of Thomas Gould (General Fund)

Barbara Grant In memory of George J. Mullane, Jr. (General Fund)

Ellen Graulich In loving memory of Dorothy Suriano (General Fund)

Mary Lou Gundersen In memory of George J. Mullane, Jr. (General Fund)

Jeanne E. Herrmann In memory of George J. Mullane, Jr. (General Fund)

Susan Hickey In memory of George J. Mullane, Jr. (General Fund

Jean Ann Holwell In memory of George J. Mullane, Jr. (General Fund)     

David James In memory of Sister Joan Rohan, D.W.  (General Fund)

Jeffrey Johnson In honor of Dr. Ann T. Searing D.W. 1958-1975 (General Fund)

Frances Jones In honor of Sister Grace Malonzo, D.W. (Wisdom House Elevator Fund)

Anne V. Kane In memory of my wonderful cousin, Theresa McKay (General Fund)

James Keane In memory of George J. Mullane, Jr. (General Fund)

Pamela Clark Kelly In honor of Virginia Drews celebrating her 80th birthday (General Fund)

Knights of Columbus, Assumption Council 252 In memory of George J. Mullane, Jr. (General Fund)

Jeremy Lack In honor of Dr. Therese Lack (General Fund)

Rachel and Jeremy Lack In honor of Dr. Therese Gutleber Lack (General Fund)   

Judy Langford In memory of Dorothy Suriano (General Fund)

Dianne Larkin In memory of Harold Johnston (General Fund)

Lorraine Lauro In memory of George J. Mullane Jr. (General Fund)          

Patricia Lopez In memory of Sister Joanne Zielinski, D.W.  “Sr. Joanne was the Catholic Campus Minister at Mary Washington College in Fredericksburg, VA for many years.  I remember her kindness, compassion, and patience.  She always made time to listen to students even when she had work to do or was so tired.  Her dedication to God’s work set an example to college students finding their way in the world.  I graduated from college 40 years ago, and think of  Sr. Joanne so often with great love, respect and gratitude.”  (General Fund )     

Janet Mahoney “With loving thanks to the Daughters of Wisdom for your dedicated service when I attended CK High School (1965-1969)”  (General Fund)

Bernice Martin In memory of Angela Chamberlain (General Fund)

The John D. and Kathleen L. Mayer Charitable Fund In thanksgiving for the work of Sister Marie Sopr with the children of St. Bernadette School, Springfield, VA (General Fund)       

Mary McAward In memory of Kevin McAward (General Fund)

Patricia McAuley In memory of Sister Joan Rohan, D.W. (General Fund) 

Catherine McWilliams In memory of George J. Mullane, Jr. (General Fund)

Anjali Mehta In memory of Dr. Sushiela Mehta and Sister Joan Canfield, D.W. (General Fund)

Carol & Harold Messerschmitt In memory of George J. Mullane, Jr. (General Fund)

Susan Messerschmitt, Sharone Murano and Pam, Tina and Olivia Murano and Bill McDonald In memory of George J. Mullane, Jr. (General Fund)

Katharine Miller In memory of George J. Mullane, Jr. (General Fund)          

Frank and Joanne Muratore In memory of George J. Mullane, Jr. (General Fund)

Larry and Annmary Passantino In honor of Sister Emma Rohn, D.W. (Retirement Fund)

Joyce O’Toole In memory of Sister Mary Eileen McCarthy, D.W. (General Fund)           

Mr. & Mrs. Thomas O’Toole In honor of all who served at Montfort Academy in Fredericksburg, VA (General Fund)

Eileen Penny In memory of George J. Mullane, Jr. (General Fund)

Margaret Pfeifer In memory of Sister Mary Frances Pfeifer and Sister Mary Pfeifer (General Fund)

Tony Pino In memory of George J. Mullane, Jr. (General Fund)     

Phylis Porio In honor of  Sister Patricia Schmidt, D.W. “Thanks for being a great teacher and even better friend.”  (Retirement Fund)                     

Owen Rees In memory of Sister Camille Solis, D.W. (General Fund) 

Theresa Roach In memory of  George J. Mullane, Jr. (General Fund)                  

Linda Scheel In memory of George J. Mullane, Jr. (General Fund)                      

Audrey Schroeder In memory of Gilbert Schroeder (General Fund)             

Spellman Gibbons Polizi Truncale & Trentacoste, LLP Congratulations on the 75th Anniversary of the Daughters of Wisdom of the United States (General Fund)     

Ray Strangways In memory of Jean Strangways (Wisdom House Elevator Fund)                        

Ann Marie Sullivan In memory of Evelyn and Gerard Eckhardt (General Fund) (Two donations)      

Vivian Tao-Wen WU In memory of Sister Rosemary Graham (General Fund)

Marilyn Taylor In memory of George J. Mullane Jr. ( General Fund)

Lorraine Thoericht In memory of Robert Clark (General Fund)

Larisa Thomas In memory of Sister Dorothy Reilly, D.W. (General Fund)

Dympna Vernon In memory of George J. Mullane, Jr. (General Fund)       

Ann Weishahn In memory of George J. Mullane, Jr. (General Fund)          

Mary Westbrook In memory of Tom Hughes (General Fund)

Susan, Craig, Cindy and Dan Wilson In memory of Theresa Fontinell (General Fund)                

Ruth E. Zambrana To thank all the Sisters for the tough lessons and amazing education that you provided me in French, English and Latin-in gratitude (Retirement Fund)     

Corinne and Carl Zehl In memory of George J. Mullane Jr. (General Fund)              

Daniel Zielinski In memory of Sister Joanne Zielinski, D.W. (General Fund)

From the Desk of
Sr. Catherine Sheehan, DW

Winter 2025

Summer 2024

Celebrating 75 Years

from Mary Immaculate Novitiate to Wisdom House Retreat and Conference Center

Spring 2024

Dear Donors and Friends,

Seventy-five years ago, the Daughters of Wisdom purchased this lovely Farmhouse in the Litchfield, CT hills. It was the first location of the U.S. Province’s Novitiate.

With the growth in the 1950s into the early 1960s the brick building was erected in two stages. During the 1970s into the early 1980s, retired Sisters lived in Litchfield. Eventually, what is now known as Wisdom House grew into a thriving interfaith retreat and conference center. Sr. Irene Arsenault and Sr. Maureen Hurley were instrumental in the pilot stages of Wisdom House followed by Sr. Rosemarie Greco who led Wisdom House for over 25 years. In 2017, Deborah Kelly assumed the role of Executive Director.

Wisdom House welcomes over 500 groups annually. An elevator was installed during the 1960s that allowed easy access to the four-story building. When the elevator was added, its projected life was about 25 years. The time has come for a major renovation of the elevator – not bad for being in use 50+ years! The cost is approximately $325,000.00. Without this elevator, Wisdom House cannot continue to serve the people who come to stay every year.

Wisdom House has been and continues to be an important part of the Daughters of Wisdom mission. We need your support to continue this mission. As we celebrate 75 years, any help that you can provide is greatly appreciated to continue our legacy of welcoming seekers of Wisdom.


Sr. Cathy Sheehan, D.W., Delegation Leader

Ways to Give

Through the ministries of education, healthcare, spirituality, pastoral and social services, the Daughters of Wisdom have and continue to make a difference in the lives of others. For over a century in the U.S. and over 300 years worldwide, Daughters of Wisdom have ministered to God’s people.

Those who support the Mission of the Daughters of Wisdom through donations of their time and/or their treasure are part of our Wisdom family. Every gift has an impact on others and, like a drop of rain in a river, each gift creates a thousand widening circles.

There are a variety of ways to give to help advance the mission of the Daughters of Wisdom. Listed below are the most common ways in which our benefactors and donors make financial donations. For more information, please contact Rosalie Mullane at 631-277-2660, Ext. 17.

Daughters of Wisdom
c/o Mission Advancement
385 Ocean Avenue
Islip, New York 11751


Giving just got easier! Text2Give makes it easy to give to the Daughters of Wisdom by simply texting an amount to our Text2Give phone number. Click here to find out how to do it: Text2Give

Cash Donations

Cash donations provide immediate assistance through the fund/program of your choice. See how you can help by viewing the various options set up in the drop-down box under the Donate On Line tab. To make a donation by check, simply make check payable to “Daughters of Wisdom” and mail to: Rosalie Mullane, Daughters of Wisdom, 385 Ocean Avenue, Islip, NY 11751

Memorial Donations

A wonderful way to honor a person is to make a Memorial donation to the Daughters of Wisdom in the name of a Sister, friend, a special person in your life, or a loved one. For more information, please contact Rosalie Mullane at 631-277-2660, Ext. 17.

Gifts of Appreciated Stock

The Daughters of Wisdom accept gifts of stocks, bonds or mutual funds. This type of gift can provide the donor tax savings on capital gains as well as an income tax reduction. Of course, before giving such gifts, you should first consult with your attorney and/or financial advisor. For more information, please contact Rosalie Mullane at 631-277-2660, Ext. 17.


A bequest is a gift made through an individual’s will and is a time-honored way to make a difference in the lives of others well into the future. You can include the Daughters of Wisdom in your will and make a bequest in several different ways. As with gifts of stock, please consult with your attorney and/or financial advisor before making a bequest. For more information, please contact Rosalie Mullane at 631-277-2660, Ext. 17.

Prayer Cards

Special prayer cards are available to remember someone who has passed, on their birthday, for their healing, or for a special occasion. Once a card is purchased, the person's name is placed in a Book of Life, Book of Birthdays, Book of Healing or in a Book of Special Occasions which are present in the chapel of Our Lady of Perpetual Help Convent in Sound Beach, Long Island, NY. The names listed in the books are remembered by the Sisters at daily mass offered in the Chapel. For more information, please contact Rosalie Mullane at 631-277-2660, Ext. 17.

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