Sisters Lenten Collection to Support Daughters of Wisdom in Mission Around the World

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Even though they are retired, the Sisters of Our Lady of Perpetual Help Convent are always looking for ways to help others. While some, who are able, continue to volunteer their time, others have come to reinvent the way they volunteer due to the factors of age and physical limitations.

The Sisters have long met the requests of the public through the prayer ministry offering on our website. It is a treasured gift for which requests never seem to be short in supply and come not only from our website but from family, staff, friends, social media, telephone calls and emails. These requests are faithfully met during daily Mass in the Chapel of the Convent with prayers offered by the Sisters. We very often receive progress reports and thanks, so we are affirmed in how very important this ministry is.

But in their search to continue to “do” and contribute to where the need is great, the Sisters have come to reinvent the way they volunteer. Now they do it, quite literally, by sharing their treasures.

After a remarkably successful Advent collection of $850.00 started by Sr. Rosemary McKenna and benefitting Lighthouse Ministries, the Sisters decided at one of their subsequent community meetings to have a Lenten collection. Sr. Edna English is coordinating the effort that will conclude at Easter. This collection will support the Daughters of Wisdom in the missions around the world and provide practical help at a difficult time. Donations will be sent to the Generalate so that it can securely be transferred to where it is needed most.

If you’d like to join the Sisters in their Lenten Collection, please contact Patti Stewart at 631-744-2477 or mail your donation to Sr. Edna English, DW, Our Lady of Perpetual Help Convent, 49 Convent Drive, Sound Beach, NY 11789.


Catherine McWilliams