Daughters of Wisdom Award $7,500 Mission Grant to Amirah, Inc.

Endorsed by  Sr. Rosemarie Greco, DW, Amirah, Inc. is a nonprofit organization providing exit and aftercare opportunities to women who have survived commercial sexual exploitation and sex trafficking. The grant money will be put toward their long-term residential recovery program in their Connecticut Safe Home. This program allows women the time and space needed to heal in all six aspects of personhood: vocational, emotional, physical, mental, social, and spiritual. This grant will directly support the spiritual recovery aspect of this program by connecting women with a spiritual mentor and providing the opportunity to explore the most challenging questions in the wake of their trauma. The goal of spiritual recovery is that women find some essence of peace in the aftermath and learn what true forgiveness means as they learn to forgive and have grace for themselves. Mary Speta, Chief Impact Officer, will coordinate this program for Amirah.

Catherine McWilliams