Daughters of Wisdom Award $7,500 Mission Grant to Rethreaded, Inc.

For every new class they hire, Rethreaded takes a photo of all those who have a hand in it.

Since 2012, Rethreaded, founded by Kristin Keen, has partnered with the City Rescue Mission of Jacksonville, Florida. That's when they hired their first employee, a survivor of human trafficking. Rethreaded provides a safe, supportive work environment for survivors and provides a solid foundation for women to redirect their lives. It's a business that's in the business of restoring lives and enables women to earn money while learning a skill, developing a career, and experiencing continued healing through counseling and a supportive community. Survivors hired by Rethreaded earn income by getting involved in the business and making handcrafted products sold online and in a brick-and-mortar store in Jacksonville, Florida. Every purchase directly helps survivors with employment, counseling, and career development. Rethreaded also partners with similar organizations to provide survivor-made items that currently support the recovery of over 4,000 women worldwide.

When we reached out to Rethreaded, they told us, "Support from the Daughters of Wisdom Mission grant will cover part of the cost of one Survivor's Holistic Apprenticeship Program. This program consists of a survivor's first six months of employment at Rethreaded and is a woman's most vulnerable time with us. If a survivor can make it through her Holistic Apprenticeship, her odds of success have greatly improved. Rethreaded has moved its next hiring class up to January 2022; the support of the Daughters of Wisdom Mission Grant has enabled Rethreaded to continue to hire survivors of human trafficking during these unprecedented times." Sr. Lucy Clynes, DW, endorsed this program.

Catherine McWilliams