Celebrating Sr. Evelyn Eckhardt, DW during Catholic Sisters Week

Sr. Evelyn Eckhardt, DW and the Provincial Treasurers of The Daughters of Wisdom.

Sr. Evelyn Eckhardt, DW and the Provincial Treasurers of The Daughters of Wisdom.

Reflection for Catholic Sisters Week

Sr. Evelyn Eckhardt, DW

As I reflect on my life as a Daughter of Wisdom, I am deeply grateful for the happiness I have found in searching for God in the ordinary experiences of life.  During the past 55 plus years, I have been blessed to share community with many dedicated women from diverse backgrounds who have significantly enriched my living. They have stretched my understandings and, at times, have challenged my beliefs – in all, offering me countless opportunities for growth.

As a member of an international Congregation, I have been privileged to minister among young folks – and not so young ones – in Queens, NY, and Jacksonville, Florida and for brief periods of time among our Sisters in Malawi, Papua New Guinea, the Philippines and Rome, Italy. The day to day encounters with these numerous faces of the Divine have graced me in ways I could never have imagined.

Sr. Evelyn Eckhardt, DW, Canonical Treasurer of the Daughters of Wisdom, USA Province talks about Wisdom Spirituality. The Daughters of Wisdom, an internatio...

In this video clip from 2018, Sr. Evelyn Eckhardt, DW talks about Wisdom Spirituality.

Catherine McWilliams