Thank You for Supporting Our 70th Anniversary Celebration
The Daughters of Wisdom, US Province are grateful for the time, treasures and talents generously given to support our 70th Anniversary Celebration.
We wish to acknowledge Benefactor Sponsor St. Charles Hospital and Friend Sponsors Good Samaritan Hospital Medical Center and Waldorf Risk Solutions. Thank you to Schola Sine Nomine for the beautiful music, and to Sr. Ann Gray, DW, for narrating the program. Thank you to all who donated and took journal ads, and to our supporters and friends who joined us for the concert and reception. Special thanks to the staff who worked tirelessly on organizing and managing the event and to our provincial leadership team, Sr. Cathy Sheehan, DW, Provincial, Sr. Diane Capozzi, DW, Sr. Evelyn Eckhardt, DW and Sr. Pat Torre, DW. We also wish to thank the Daughters of Wisdom, Canadian Province, for underwriting the event video, which will be released soon.
For more information, please click on the link below to view a digital copy of the event journal: