Sister Sara Proctor, DW, Sets Up Open-Air Clinic

It's the "new normal" for Sr. Sara Proctor, DW, who, with her staff, has taken it to the outdoors and set up an open-air clinic to see patients at the San Jose Missions in Dover, Florida. There Sr. Sara, a certified physician assistant and her nurse, Carmen Flores-Zeigler, provide free medical services through Catholic Charities in the Diocese of St. Petersburg, Florida. Typically, patients are migrant and seasonal workers, but have come to include people from Catholic Charities' new homeless tent project.

Patients are not being seen inside the clinic to prevent possible contamination and transmission of disease. With an area for privacy, waiting areas spaced six feet apart, and everything getting sanitized after use –even though it can get hot outside in protective gear– Sr. Sara and her staff are repurposing and rethinking how things can be done. Thanks to great innovative minds, care continues in Sr. Sara's medical world and for the people she serves.

Catherine McWilliams