Celebrating Sr. Maureen Hurley's 60th Jubilee

Leading up to our July 27 celebration, we will be highlighting a different Jubilarian each week from now until July 22. Sr. Agnes McColgan (70 years), Sr. Ann Nielsen (70 years), Sr. Evelyn Eckhardt (60 years), Sr. Maureen Hurley (60 years), and Sr. Rosemarie Greco (60 years) will all be celebrated as they hit this monumental milestone.

As Sr. Maureen Hurley celebrates her 60th Jubilee as a Daughter of Wisdom, she reflects on the moments that stand out to her.

A Reflection on Life in Wisdom

Over the years, I have experienced Wisdom in Jesus.

When I entered Religious Life, I believed that becoming a Daughter of Wisdom was becoming a daughter of God or developing a deep relationship with Jesus. I understood "wisdom" as stated in the dictionary: "showing good sense or good judgment.”

However, after reading and reflecting on St. Louis de Montfort's book - THE LOVE OF ETERNAL WISDOM - a text which reflects on God as Eternal Wisdom and Jesus as Incarnate Wisdom, I came to understand that Wisdom, herself, is God "as God she pours out her spirit upon her followers."

"She represents another way to look at God. She is God's self-expression." (Roland Murphy in The WISDOM LITERATURE by Kathleen M. O'Conner). However, as a Daughter of Wisdom, I have tried to follow, to reflect on, to love Jesus, Incarnate Wisdom, and allow his presence as a full person to lead me and show me the way to love others as they are.

For me, GOD IS LOVE!

A Tribute by Sr. Irene Arsenault

“This storyline begins with a child standing by the road near her home, watching a large wooden house towed by a truck. This house was to become the long-awaited Catholic Church in the area. She would be confirmed with six other children; it was so exciting. The prospect of being confirmed seemed rather special.

It was a privilege and an interesting experience to listen to Maureen share some of the experiences that guided her in deepening her spiritual life.

As with everyone in the USA, her family suffered the difficulties of the great depression. Her parents, being God-loving, were grateful for the blessing of five children. They supported and encouraged each child with good values, and life’s gift of education, love, and personal and family prayers were strongly encouraged.

All these values and life’s gift of education held her in good stead. Somehow, she sensed a need to deepen her spiritual life (a gentle whispering from Jesus Wisdom).

She decided to go to college. She received a BS in Music Education and an MS in secondary education. She began enjoying the social aspect of college. The little voice seemed to fade. There was “love in the air,” even the possibility of marriage. Again, the nudge from Jesus Wisdom. She realized that married life was not her calling.

Her younger sister encouraged her to attend a book study offered by the parish. The book “Love of Eternal Wisdom,” which was being discussed, was written by St. Louis de Montfort. The content and the sharing spoke to her soul. She also sought advice from a priest who was helpful in her meeting with the Provincial of the Daughters of Wisdom. She spent some time trying to decide how God was leading her.

She always wanted to love God with mind, heart, and soul and to love all people as best she could. This way of life was the pathway. She knew that Jesus Wisdom would guide her.

After entering the Daughters of Wisdom community, she received a Master of Science degree in Religious Education.

Her assignments and accomplishments over the years attest to her abilities. To name a few, she taught instrumental music, especially percussion, to lower grades and high school, directed an adult choir, and staffed a center for women and children in need. The list goes on, and at 92 years of age, she still plays percussion like a pro.

Today, we celebrate her 60th anniversary as a Daughter of Wisdom. She speaks of these years with much gratitude, especially her life as a religious, the loving support of her Sisters in community, community prayers, shared liturgies, and opportunities for quiet times together. She is most grateful to the Blessed Virgin Mary and Jesus Wisdom for their leading and loving support through the thick and thin of life.

Sr. Maureen, we, your Sisters, are grateful for your “yes,” and we love you!”

Sr. Irene Arsenault, DW

Catherine McWilliams