Celebrating Sr. Ann Nielsen's 70th Jubilee

Leading up to our July 27 celebration, we will be highlighting a different Jubilarian each week from now until July 22. Sr. Agnes McColgan (70 years), Sr. Ann Nielsen (70 years), Sr. Evelyn Eckhardt (60 years), Sr. Maureen Hurley (60 years), and Sr. Rosemarie Greco (60 years) will all be celebrated as they hit this monumental milestone.

As Sr. Ann Nielsen celebrates her 70th Jubilee as a Daughter of Wisdom, she reflects on the moments that stand out to her.

A Reflection on Life in Wisdom

When asked what stands out most in a life dedicated to Wisdom, Sister Ann Nielsen had two answers: a group from the very beginning of her journey and a general chapter formed in 1988. The Sophia Circle, made up of both ex and current Daughters of Wisdom, met three times a year at an old farmhouse in Litchfield, Connecticut. One of the members, Sister Barbara Moore, published a translation of The Love of Eternal Wisdom in 1996, making the original “wooden translation” into something brand new. “That translation is elegant, it’s also erudite. It was a big inspiration to a lot of us in those days,” said Sr. Ann. Along with Sister Diane Capozzi, Sr. Ann translated the book into simpler English for non-native speakers. Even though the book never went into circulation in the US, it’s still used in places like India, Malawi, and the Philippines.

Sr. Ann also joined an international team focused on making the study of Wisdom a priority throughout their congregation. “In my mind, there are two phases. In the first phase, it was the six or seven people of the Sophia Group who are meeting three times a year to discuss the Wisdom literature. Then, in 1988, in our own congregation, we had a general chapter in Rome with people from all our countries all over the world.” She represented the English part of the team and was tasked with creating books to present Wisdom. The book created by the team was made up of five images; Wisdom as creator, Wisdom in the marketplace, Wisdom calling us to a banquet, Wisdom on the cross, and transformative Wisdom. “So those two moments, the first original group that you see in the picture and the general chapter of 1988, they are, for me, key moments in the spreading of this Wisdom.”

Kayla Gately

The Sophia Circle in Litchfield in the 1990’s.

A Tribute by Sr. Marilyn Soeder

“When I think of Ann and her life with Wisdom, what comes to mind and what I want us to celebrate is her…..


  • Her love of Wisdom and Wisdom Spirituality

  • Her input during the international sessions on Wisdom

  • Her learning Greek as a young sister in order to read the Scriptures in the original

Life as a Missionary

  • Embedding herself in the culture of Malawi and learning the language and traditions of the people

  • Collecting and comparing traditional Malawian proverbs with the Old Testament proverbs

  • Her career as teacher, headmistress and vice-provincial of Malawi

  • Her work as General Secretary in Rome

Many Gifts

  • A remarkable intelligent woman

  • A poet, song writer, flautist, lover of literature

  • A gifted translator

  • A charismatic teacher with original ideas and methods

  • A competent and organized leader with good judgement

  • A woman who cares about others and has a gentle, quiet presence

  • A good counselor and listener, with great insight into people

  • A visionary who can inspire others

Who can list all the gifts with which Wisdom has gifted Ann?  These are but a few!  I’m sure you can add your own.”

Sr. Marilyn Soeder, DW

Catherine McWilliams