Friends of Montfort Publish First Haitian Sign Language Dictionary

While we observed the Feast of Montfort on Sunday, April 28th, Friends of Montfort, Inc. hosted their 28th Annual Fundraiser, at which they celebrated their achievements over the year and set sights on their goals for 2024. Associate of Wisdom Maryse Haig, who sits on the board of directors for the organization, has served as treasurer, communications person, and fundraiser over her 30 years of membership. Her work with Friends of Montfort has involved many initiatives that have had a profound impact on the children of Haiti, especially the students at Institute Montfort. The school caters to the primary and secondary educational needs of a student body of 650 children in multiple locations who are deaf or both deaf and blind. Along with basic academic education, sports, fine arts, agriculture, animal husbandry, and vocational classes are provided, offering a wide variety for all levels of education.  For the past 6 years, Institute Montfort has had a 100% passing rate of students who took the Philio National Exam. This exam is taken after the final year of secondary education and before the university level.

Their biggest accomplishment this past year, which will serve many well into the future in Haiti—the students, their families, and the general population—is publishing Haiti’s—and the World’s—first-ever comprehensive Haitian Sign Language (LSH) Dictionary. This significant milestone in the efforts to empower the deaf community was a ten-year project that included the input of dozens of committee members, showcasing the power of collective effort. The 26 Chapter book translates signs into three languages, Creole, English, and French, and includes multiple illustrations for some signs or phrases. Finalized entries were approved by several sign language users.

Upcoming goals include increasing sponsorships for students. Friends of Montfort sponsors 270 students annually and would like to raise that number to 300. This year's beautiful posterboard display of students needing a scholarship included a set of twins. One was born deaf, and the other is hearing. But they will be educated together. It wasn’t long before someone decided to sponsor them. However, sponsorship opportunities or donations can be made year-round. Click here to find out more:

Congratulations, Friends of Montfort, on a year that’s gone down in print!

Catherine McWilliams