2022 Jubilarians Celebrate 75, 70, and 60 years of Profession

Six Daughters of Wisdom were recognized with a special Jubilee Mass on Saturday, July 9, 2022, at Montfort Spiritual Center, Bay Shore, NY. The Mass was presided by Fr. Tom Poth, SMM, and six Jubilarians renewed their vows before Provincial Sr. Catherine Sheehan, DW. Readings were given by Sisters Irene Arsenault, Diane Guerette, MarieJosee Seide, and Mary Jane Cashin. The Reflection was given by Sr. Cathleen Murtha. Sisters Ann Schaill and Bernadette Sassone served as Eucharistic Ministers. The recessional song, Holy Wisdom, was written by Sr. Bernadette Sassone, DW.

The sound of angelic voices filled the room with every song sung by choir members Sisters Bernadette Sasson, Marilyn Soeder, Maria Jesus Pinedo, Evelyn Lamoureux, Mary Stuart, MarieJosee Seide, Pat Schmidt, and Associates of Wisdom Sue O'Brien and Lynetta Gann.

Sisters, family members, Associates, and friends gathered for a luncheon afterward to toast and celebrate our Jubilarians: Sr. Emma Rohn, (Sr. Frances Mary), 95, 75 years, Sr. Irene Arsenault, (Sr. Philip of the Eucharist), 90, 70 years, Sr. Louise Dufour, (Sr. Victor Marie de I’Eucharistie), 90, 70 years, Sr. Marie Sopr, (Sr. Mary Anthony of the Eucharist), 89, 70 years, Sr. Diane Guerette, (Sr. Diane Marie of Christ), 80, 60 years and Sr. Cathleen Murtha, (Sr. Joseph Mary of Montfort), 80, 60 years.

Jubilee Mass at Montfort Spiritual Center, July 9, 2022

Catherine McWilliams