Sisters Honored with 2022 Spirit of St. Charles Award

The Daughters of Wisdom were honored with this year's Spirit of St. Charles Award at St. Charles Hospital Foundation's 2022 Gala. President Jim O'Connor presented the award. He said, "Our founding Sisters, the Daughters of Wisdom, have left St. Charles an incredible legacy, entrusting their sacred ministry to the healing hands of the more than 1,600 employees that work there today. Once a home for children with disabilities, with all care and education provided by four Sisters, St. Charles has evolved into a community hospital that expertly serves the needs of the community and the region. We are forever grateful for our Sisters for defining the spirit of St. Charles."

Listen here for more about the 115-year relationship between the Daughters of Wisdom and St. Charles Hospital in President Jim O'Connor's presentation and Provincial Sr. Catherine Sheehan's acceptance remarks.

Pictured: Standing (L-R) Dennis Verzi, Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer, Catholic Health, Sr. Diane Capozzi, Sr. Ann Gray, Sr. Catherine Sheehan, Jim O'Connor, President, St. Charles Hospital, Sr. Evelyn Eckhardt, Sr. Barbara O'Dea, and Sr. Pat Curreri. Seated (L-R) Sr. Cathleen Murtha, Sr. Irene Arsenault, Most Rev. Luis Miguel Romero, Auxiliary Bishop, Diocese of Rockville Center, Sr. Joan Canfield and Sr. Evelyn Lamoureux.

Catherine McWilliams