Associate of Wisdom, Lanetta Gann Receives HHC's EMMies Award

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Associate of Wisdom, Lanetta Gann.

Join us in congratulating our Associate of Wisdom, Lanetta Gann, who Hartford HealthCare of Connecticut recently recognized with their EMMies (Every Moment Matters) Award.

The award is earned by those who consistently make every moment matter by doing the right thing, the kind thing, the best thing, and the safe thing.

During most of 2020, the year of COVID, Lanetta’s ministry was as a Nurse Manager. Her current role as Case Manager is a role that incorporates both her social work training and nursing skills.

In presenting Lanetta with the award, Hartford Healthcare said, “This is an esteemed honor that recognizes you for the work that you do and how you do it. You consistently deliver on HHC’s promise to make every moment matter every day and support our colleagues, patients, and communities as you live our values and best Leadership behaviors.”

From Lanetta Gann:

Thank you for your beautiful responses to the EMMie Award gifted to me by my peers at Hartford Hospital. It came as such a surprise and puzzlement. My conclusion as I pondered the award is that I stood behind so many brave nurses and aides and doctors. Touching and supporting their courageous efforts to care for so many at the risks of their own health.

Community living has taught us all how to support, to love, to care, to be "real", and give to others heartfelt appreciation. The year of covid at Hartford Hospital presented an opportunity to bring a loving spirit and Wisdom. So many memories, so many hardships, challenges, and beautiful people along the way.

By nature, I am quiet, an introvert, and mostly peaceful. Must say, I have never cried as much in public as I did with my staff on our Oncology unit. My tears joined a river of others. Lord, the many times we all stood together and cried left a sweet opening in my heart that I touch when needing to feel connected to others. .We loved each other and our patients and their families during the worst pandemic.

You have been gracious in congratulating me. Yet, I did what you would have done if you were in my shoes. The EMMie Award goes to you as well.

As in life, birthing and living and dying is a circle of being. Feels like we came through the dying and are now being birthed again. Looking forward to the living to come.

A heartfelt thank you,

Lanetta Gann, Associate of Wisdom

Catherine McWilliams