Seeking the Living Christ

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Was there ever a time in your life when you didn’t know where to turn? When you felt utterly confused, didn’t know how you felt, how to react, or what to do? It struck me this Easter as never before how utterly confused the disciples and friends of Jesus must have felt after his resurrection.

I invite you during this 3rd week of Easter to befriend one of those who followed Jesus during his life on earth. Speak with this disciple for a few minutes each day. Ask Peter or Thomas, or perhaps Judas, their companion, who committed suicide. Talk with the disciple, ask questions, listen for a response. How did he or she feel shortly after that horrific way of the cross when they heard Jesus was alive? How would you feel if such a tragedy happened to someone you know and love?

Only his presence could convince his disciples that Jesus was alive. He came to them with a new message: Peace. Do not be afraid. They couldn’t believe their eyes. Yet these disciples opened their hearts and stretched out their hands to accept the gifts the Spirit offered: the courage to overcome fear and love for God that overflowed on others.

Now Christ Jesus is alive within us, among us. Are we so different? Do we truly believe Christ is alive? Do we seek him here with us, among us in the people and events in our lives, in the Word and sacraments he gave us as his legacy?

That is what we are all called to do. If we open our hearts to meet him and stretch out our hands to accept the gift of his Spirit, Easter will bring us new life. Then these 50 days of Easter will be a time of transformation in Christ:

·        a season that brings hope and casts out fear,

·        a season of love that fills us with courage and peace,

·        a season of peace – that deep inner peace that the world cannot give,

·        and a time when the love of God poured forth in our hearts fills us.

Then we will discern the call of Christ sending us forth on the mission that he now entrusts to us: to spread the good news of forgiveness and transformation, allowing God’s love to overflow on all whose lives we touch.

Don’t miss the opportunity. May our lives become visible manifestations of the Spirit alive within us, and let us celebrate our lives together as a community of believers as never before.

Blessings on you and all those whose lives you touch,

Sr. Barbara O’Dea, DW

Catherine McWilliams