Rosie Knows....

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If she’s not tweeting very loudly because she’s heard Administrator Deborah Ahrem’s voice as she walks through the door to work, she’s turning her head upside down to watch Sr. Emma Rohn come into the sunroom where she has taken up residence at Our Lady of Perpetual Help Convent in Sound Beach, NY. That’s Rosie the Cockatiel, who arrived about a year ago for pet sitting while Deborah went on vacation.

Rescued by Deborah, Rosie was very cheerful but shy. Sr. Emma had a bird in the past and often spoke about it. Not having the necessary time to care for Rosie and seeing how she was so welcomed and well cared for by the Sisters through her vacation visit, Deborah suggested she live at Sound Beach. So, through a vote, it was decided that Rosie would stay, and Sr. Emma Picked up her daily care. Since then, she’s become a companion and, in some instances, a therapy pet for the Sisters of Sound Beach.

After Sr. Emma suffered a recent fall and had to be taken to the hospital, Sr. Marie Sopr quickly stepped in place to take daily care of Rosie. Thankfully so, as Sr. Emma seemed more concerned about Rosie’s care than her own.

Grateful for the smooth transition of her care, Deborah shared, “Rosie loves hearing all the Sisters talk, sing, and pray. Sr. Emma and Sr. Marie Sopr take very good care of her.” She gets a daily shower, a cleaned cage, and recycled food.” And the Sisters pamper her with treats of eggs and crackers. Aside from companionship, she provides entertainment and performs. Deborah recalled that “Sr. Ronnie Byrne would love to sit by her and whistle, and Rosie would walk back and forth as if she was dancing.” When asked, she’ll also give a show of her wings for Sr. Emma.

Deborah added, “The Sisters remind me daily to go to Rosie and say hello and good-bye, … she is loved immensely."-

Catherine McWilliams