Battling the Coronavirus

Stephanie Morrison, Sr. Sara Proctor, DW, and Carmen Flores-Zeigler at their Coronavirus vaccine volunteer station in Tampa Bay, Florida.

Stephanie Morrison, Sr. Sara Proctor, DW, and Carmen Flores-Zeigler at their Coronavirus vaccine volunteer station in Tampa Bay, Florida.

While many are waiting for a turn to get the Coronavirus vaccine, Sr. Sara Proctor, DW and her team are out there administering shots through BayCare Health System in Tampa Bay, Florida. On their first day of volunteering, Sr. Sara, Stephanie Morrison and Carmen Flores-Zeigler of BayCare along with other healthcare professionals administered 500 shots in six hours during the first round of the Moderna vaccination for people in the area.

Sr. Sara says that after the protocol of health care professionals and patients got their shots, seniors were clamoring to get theirs, but the rollout has been hard to coordinate. However, it’s happening. Most people say the shot is quick and easy, but Sr. Sara warns that a side effect is usually a sore arm like that which comes from a tetanus shot.

Thanks to the dedication of volunteer healthcare professionals, Sr. Sara, Stephanie, and Carmen, Florida has begun to battle the coronavirus with vaccines.

Catherine McWilliams