Fourth Sunday of Advent Reflection


God's word, God's will

 By Sr. Marie Josee Seide, DW

Her response was a stunningly profound act of faith for the very young Mary, living in a very prejudiced culture at the time when it came to women.

"May it be done to me according to your word," God's word, God's will. 

It takes grace to be so daringly courageous and trusting to step into the deep. Mary did step in knowing what could happen to her in the cultural context she was living, as a young unwed pregnant woman.

I am reading in her credo: I don't have a clue of what just happened and what I signed up for, but I am stepping in because I know my God has it all under control; for, nothing is impossible for God. To reference the Angel Gabriel's message, yes, nothing is greater and more important than God's will.

Divine Wisdom at work within Mary allowed her to grasp the essential: There was something here greater than her, so she freely and totally surrendered herself. She trusted that whatever lay ahead was in God's hand.

There is no doubt that Mary was deeply troubled, but she did put her hand in the hand of God to walk the way together. She joined in the Divine plan trusting it can only be plans for her life.

Abraham in the Old Testament (Genesis 22: 1-19) gave us the same stunning example of faith, taking Isaac for a sacrificial offering to God, with no question asked. Gideon did the same when he faced the multitude of soldiers of the Midianites with just an army of 300 soldiers, as instructed by God (Judges 7:17-22). The common thread here is faith beyond measure.

Today, as Christians and believers in the One true God, as we face a lot of uncertainty, like Mary, Abraham, and Gideon, let us remember there is something greater than all the challenges we've been experiencing since 2020 started, our faith in God. We may not understand what's happening and where we are heading, but we know that the One who is always greater than all walks the way with us. 

I sense a deep call for me and you and all of us here and around the world to let God be God. 

I have a motivational decorative sign in my office that I got from our thrift store at St. Martin of Tours. It reads: "When life gets too hard to stand, kneel." It is a quote from Gordon B. Hinckley. I feel that we are called to practice it here and now, more than ever, in whichever way we can. 

Help me pray that you and I and us all together continue, or decide to make the effort, with Mary at our side, to let Divine Wisdom take flesh within us and live with us. To let Her be part of our daily activities. Let us remember there's no situation too insignificant where Divine Wisdom cannot be invited to join in as a participant. She can teach us the way to go: She can guide, listen, understand, counsel, defend, and protect with unceasing love.

O! May we let Joy be! 

O! May we let Peace be!

O! May we let ourselves be born again with Divine Wisdom!

May Mary assist us on how to go about it. She who carried Her in her womb, raised Her; and faithfully walked the way of our salvation with Her. 

Behold! We are handmaids of the Lord!

Have a healthy and peaceful Christmas and New Year!

Catherine McWilliams