First Sunday of Advent Reflection


We Need a Little Christmas during a time of waiting

By Sr. Evelyn Lamoureux, DW

Here we are at the end of November (I am writing on November 21), and already I see Christmas decorations on many houses.  I am reminded of the song: WE NEED A LITTLE CHRISTMAS.  After what we have experienced over the past months, YES, we need a little Christmas!  But we are reminded that it is Advent – a time of waiting.

Before we can fill our lives with Christmas cheer, we need to make room.  We need a little emptiness.  We need to make room.  We need to get ready.

I am reminded of the flurry in the house when guests were expected.  My mother had us get rid of the “junk,” and make everything look neat and clean. 

We are reminded of the liturgy of the first Sunday of Advent of the necessity to stay awake and get ready as we wait.  This year we especially wait for a vaccine and an adequate treatment for those afflicted with the COVID-19 virus.  It seems like a long wait.  We need to remember all those lives lost because of the virus, those who have been affected by this loss, and those still suffering from the after-effects of having had the virus.

As I reflect on the many ways my life has changed because of the virus, I know that I am loved by God.  As we wait, as we get ready, as we experience a little emptiness, let us remember the gifts we have.  At the same time, I pray for those who still suffer because of the loss of work or housing.

Yes, this Advent will be different, but maybe that’s a good thing.  As we stay home, we will have more time to reflect on what we really celebrate this year.  It might be a blessed opportunity for us.  We pray that our Wisdom God will fill the emptiness we create within ourselves so that we might be instruments of bringing God’s Wisdom to our world.

Catherine McWilliams