Associates of Wisdom Recognize Sr. Pat Schmidt, DW

This past September, members of the Associates of Wisdom shared memories of their relationships with one of the group's founders here in the United States, Sr. Pat Schmidt, DW. Now retired as a liaison to the group, forty years ago at a Council of Congregations meeting, she had learned of the journey of laity and religious together in ministry. She was immediately convinced of its significance and thought it very appropriate for the Daughters of Wisdom in the United States to unite with others of like mind to meet the day's challenges. After all, it was how Montfort and Marie Louise began their ministries. It was through people who saw the needs of the people around them, especially the most vulnerable in society, and decided to do something good about it and work with others for the common good. That shared commitment and vision gave rise to those who would follow in both Montfort and Marie Louise's footsteps and eventually result in Montfortian and Wisdom communities. Later they would evolve more formally into the religious orders of the Montfort Missionaries and the Daughters of Wisdom. In their early days, they were very dependent upon the laity for guidance, help, and support, both for their survival, growth, and to meet the needs of France's disenfranchised people. Those who were witnesses and attracted to their spirituality and good works would follow them. This desire has been the path of many of the Associates over the years who came to know Wisdom and desired to live their lives in the spirit of Montfort and Louise Marie.

In the 1980s, The Daughters of Wisdom and other congregations worldwide gained a rejuvenated appreciation of the treasures that laity could bring to common mission through the sharing of their spirituality and charism. After many meetings and a lot of planning, in 1982, the program was approved by the Daughters of Wisdom's General Council, and the United States program began to take shape. In 1987 Roberta Gibbs of Brooklyn, NY, made her first promises as an Associate of Wisdom. Other provinces and entities around the world would soon follow. In the United States, the program would continue to grow in members and in Sisters who would serve as liaison and journey with new members.

In 2003 the first international gathering of Associates and Friends was convened at the Mother House in St. Laurent sur Sevre, France. At this meeting, the group formulated its mission statement: Together We Live, Love, and Proclaim Wisdom. A second meeting followed in 2008 in Canada, and in 2017 the groups met again in St. Laurent, this time forming an international leadership team comprised of members from France, Madagascar, Indonesia, and Canada.

Today congregations of Daughters of Wisdom worldwide have Associates; outside of the United States, they are called Friends of Wisdom. The number has grown to sixteen groups and over a hundred members representing Argentina, Belgium, Canada, Colombia, Ecuador, France, Haiti, India, Indonesia, Italy, Madagascar, Malawi, Papua New Guinea, Peru, and the Philippines. Members participate in a two-year formation program and journey with another group member during this orientation and learning period. In the United States, Associates are active on various committees and congregational initiatives such as Fire in our Hearts and Wisdom Circle. They conduct semi-annual Wisdom Workshops and an annual retreat. Over the years, they have sponsored the education of a child in Haiti and have supported the growth of the Center for Wisdom's Women in Lewiston, Maine.

Known as a community within the community of the Wisdom family, they share in the spirituality, mission, and history of the congregation. They live that out through work that can range from full-time jobs to volunteerism or by supporting the Daughters of Wisdom in prayer and spirit. With 25 members, Associates of the US Province are in Maine, Connecticut, New York, Virginia, Massachusetts, New Jersey, and Kentucky.

Members of the Associates' Leadership Team recently presented Sr. Pat with a booklet of memories and a plaque to thank her for her many years of mentorship and service to the group.

She said, "It is truly Wisdom's work as we realize how our suggesting this program at a DW Chapter would result in an international movement that continues to grow.  I am equally in awe of the work I have seen among you. Surely Wisdom is smiling broadly as she sees all you are doing to spread her message in so many creative ways."

Here are some of the memories Associates shared about their relationship with Sr. Pat:

How do I recap my memories of Sr. Pat Schmidt? No easy task, especially since our connection began sixty years ago this September when she was my freshman math teacher at Our Lady of Wisdom Academy. Since then, Pat has filled so many other roles in my life: mentor, counselor, spiritual companion, fellow traveler, and, last but certainly not least, dear and cherished friend.

In the mid-'80s, Pat excitedly shared her vision of a new venture for the US Province—an Associate Program—and she asked if I would be interested.  That, however, was not the right time for me but, in 2006, while visiting with her, she broached the subject again, and the time was right!  Years later, when my fellow Associates of Wisdom selected me to be part of the Coordinating Team, along with Ellie Filippone and Valerie Day, I was delighted to learn that Pat was chosen by the province to be the DW representative rounding out the team.

Pat's knowledge of DW history, as well as her tireless dedication and interest in the Associate Relationship from its inception, were invaluable as we began to complete the implementation of our new handbook.  Whether by phone, email or in person, Pat was always available offering her gentle guidance, her sage advice, and her common-sense approach to our "kitchen-table" Wisdom spirituality.

There is a saying that "a friend is a gift you give yourself." Pat Schmidt has indeed been a special gift to me and to the Associates of Wisdom as well.
Pat Wolosz

Fond Memories of S. Pat Schmidt DW

Over many years Sr. Pat has been attending the Associates of Wisdom gatherings and recollections at Wisdom House, Star of the Sea, and various other venues. Her presence has been a blessing for all of us; Sr. Pat was always the first person to welcome you and the last to say, "au revoir."

We will miss her good sense of humor and her contagious laughing. Always sharing enchanting stories about her life experiences and her family, Sr. Pat added much to our growth as Associates of Wisdom.

Sr. Pat is a very kind, humble, and compassionate friend, able to give good advice in a very gentle way.

May God continue to bless you, Sister Pat, with many graces and favors for the future.
Maryse Haig

Fond memories of Sr. Pat Schmidt DW

Sister Pat is the maternal to me, lauding her fidelity to the Blessed Mother as a Daughter of Wisdom. How many children did she embrace with her devotion? Who is the beloved of Sister Pat? I think of her, miles away, and when I close my eyes, I can see her porcelain skin and twinkling eyes. I feel her warmth, like a balm, washing over me with calm—always offering me welcome and the comfort of belonging.

One of my first encounters with Sister Pat was at a Wisdom retreat in Brentwood, Long Island, when I was huddled in a corner, waiting for my companion to meet me as I needed to get home to Connecticut: my mother, 200 miles away, had suffered a massive stroke and was in critical condition.

I stood in a corner watching all who were attending the retreat walking back from breakfast ready to begin the morning presentation. I was at once in that throng, eager, like novices that walked these hallways. I had gone to Mass in the chapel and had just finished breakfast when my husband summoned me home.

A group of gray-haired Sisters grew close to me, their silver crucifixes falling from their necks, and out stepped Sister Pat. She took my shaking hands in hers to comfort me, holding me in her compassion and sending me off with courage. She consoled me as my mother would have if she didn't have the stroke.

Gratefully, I was blessed to have further encounters with Sister Pat as a committed Associate of Wisdom -always holding her love for me in my broken hours, and later, laughing with her in the restored ones. Then, I could rejoice with her spirit of goodness—her true child of God, her true Daughter of Wisdom.

I consider Sr. Pat as a woman, a comfort, a religious, a mother.

Thank you, Sister Pat.
Amy Catherine Adams

My thoughts and memories about Sr. Pat Schmidt

I first met Sr. Pat Schmidt many years ago when I attended my first Wisdom Circle meeting.

In more recent years, I've had the privilege of working with her in various capacities, including that of a student in her Bio-focusing and Enneagram classes at the Spiritual Life Center, then under the leadership of Sr. Cathy Murtha.  I also experienced Sr. Pat's skillful administration and analysis of the Myers Briggs Personality Type Indicator, as well as several of her skillful and healing Reiki sessions.

Sr. Pat and I worked together developing the Associates of Wisdom Formation Program (together with Sr. Mary Stuart and Sue O'Brien), and when AW pledges became a reality, she and I worked to create the process that program required.

More recently, I've come to a deeper appreciation of Sr. Pat's deep humility, Wisdom, and faith.

Though a quiet person who uses her soft voice judiciously, when necessary, Sr. Pat can be firm in saying what she must with love and sensitivity.  Bishop Fulton Sheen once said that when you want people to stay the same, you tell them with they want to hear, but when you want people to change, you tell them what they need to hear.  Sr. Pat can lovingly tell us what we need to hear, and I'm most grateful for her integrity, courage, and strength to do so.

Finally, ever since founding the Associates of Wisdom in 1987, her historical knowledge about the Associates and her long-term commitment, support, and love for "her" AWs has been a constant beam of guidance and light for this lay group of Wisdom seekers.  I know I am not the only AW who has come to know and love Sr. Pat and wish her well in the next chapter of her spiritual journey as a DW.  We will miss you but love you enough to let you go as our spiritual mentor. Sr. Pat, may Wisdom's blessings and peace be with you always.

With much affection, 
Maria Roja

The Friendship and Leadership of Sr. Pat Schmidt, DW

Few people in the world can put a group of different thinkers at ease and help them work in collaboration for the good of all.

Sr. Pat Schmidt had the Gift to Lead and as a result she taught us how to navigate new and old challenges in the Associates of Wisdom Program. 

Sr. Pat's gentle nature, although very profound, was much needed and appreciated by the Associates.  Adding an annual Pledge gave us the freedom to have our own treasury.  Sr. Pat recognized the need for this initiative.

Our need to deepen our spirituality without the cloud of "getting more Associates" allowed us to go forward with our promise to Love, Live and Proclaim Wisdom.  We lead by example, having new Wisdom seekers join us in any capacity they choose is working well.  We are a more open, accepting community because of Sr. Pat's charism, welcoming all who pray with us and being joyful while experiencing the love of Wisdom from all belief systems.

I cannot end without mentioning Sr. Pat's sense of humor.  Sr. Pat could tell a joke like no one else I know.  Many belly laughs were experienced at Star of the Sea weekends and having a leader who has been an example of dedication to the Wisdom Charism while embracing the witticisms of life is a manifestation of being what God asks us to be…. Fully Human!

Audrey J. Schroeder

Memories of Sr. Pat 

First time I met Sr. Pat when we both were taking a two-year Spiritual Direction Program and later on joining Wisdom Circle which she was part of back in 1998.  Wow, how time flies. When I decided to become an Associate, Sr. Pat was my mentor.   Her knowledge. suggestions and kind words guided me to understand who Wisdom is and to learn to experience Wisdom's presence in everyday living.  Her ways were gentle and caring. I will not forget her smiling eyes and laughter. As our advisor, I can sense her heartfelt love and passion for the Associates as well as and to the past and present leadership team. Her guidance and support showed throughout the years. There is a scripture passage from "the Divine Feminine" by Rabbi Shapiro, which sums up how I witness Sr. Pat:  To serve God is to devote yourself to Wisdom.

Love Her and love life!
Seek Her early and be filled with joy.
Hug Her tightly and inherit glory,
and wherever you enter will be blessed.
To serve Her is to service God.
To love Her is to be loved by God. 
Wisdom of Jesus Ben Sirach 4:12-14

You are a blessing and soul friend. Thank you, Sr. Pat for being you.
Sue O'Brien

For me, the following scripture quote is how I see Sr. Pat  

"She is far more precious than jewels." 
Proverbs 31:10           

MaryAnne Danyluk

Fond memories of Sr. Pat Schmidt DW

When I think of Sr. Pat my heart smiles . . . love and gentleness flow through her.  So, I was delighted when she said 'yes' to my request to walk with me on the path, many years ago, to becoming an Associate.  I looked forward to the times she would come to my door with lesson materials we would share  . . .  I especially enjoyed the times she would bring her lunch and we had a chance to 'catch-up' on what was happening in our lives. Her listening and care opened my heart to Wisdom in a new way.

Thank you, Sr. Pat, for being present in my life.  May you be blessed on your journey wherever it may lead.
Much love,
Dorothy DiMauro

Fond memories of Sr. Pat Schmidt DW

When Sr. Pat agreed to mentor me in the process of becoming an Associate of Wisdom, I was really surprised. I had no idea this woman was that courageous.  In a moment I'll tell you why I had gotten that gut feeling that Pat was digging really deep into her Daughter of Wisdom indoctrination to accept this challenge.  Pat provided an outline of what we would cover each week and provided me with the material for the subjects we would discuss.  She was very committed to the Associate program and reminded me that she had actually given it birth. Pat was a joy to be with in those sessions and really is a person of great integrity. When I finally received the Associate pin at that ceremony in the chapel at Montfort House Pat gave me a gift, a book with the title, "From Wild Man to Wise Man"  That's how I knew she was being courageous when she took me on as an Associate candidate!  My gut is usually right about these things.
Sr. Pat, you earned your retirement!
God's Blessing,
Joe Di Mauro

Sr. Patricia Schmidt

S incere
R esolute     

P atient
A ttentive           
T ruthful  
R eal
I nvolved
C aring
I nformative
A dmirable

S avy
C harismatic
H onest
M usical
I nspiring
D efinite
T alented

D evoted
W oman of Wisdom

Put them all together; they spell:   Sr. Patricia Schmidt DW

Our Wisdom leader and someone I am proud to call my friend. 
Love you Songbird,
Ellie Filippone            

Catherine McWilliams