Sr. Maria De Jesus Pinedo, DW Recognized as an Outstanding Student in the Open Word Program

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Congratulations, Sr. Maria! Pictured are Sr. Maria De Jesus Pinedo, DW (C), Julia Di Benedetto (L), and Melissa Ramos (R), at the Suffolk Association for Continuing Education’s annual Awards Dinner where Sr. Maria was recognized as an Outstanding Student in the Opening Word program. Sr. Maria, who is from Peru, came to the United States from the Daughters of Wisdom’s Maria Luisa Delegation (Argentina, Equador, Peru) a little over three years ago to be a part of the United States Province’s Huntington Station Community. After two years in the intermediate class of the program, this past year she entered the advanced class and was recognized for the tremendous growth in her writing and verbal communication skills. Presenters Julia Di Benedetto and Melissa Ramos said, “She is a perfectionist, and her work is a reflection of that.” Outside of school, Sr. Maria has established deep roots in the Huntington Station community where she teaches RCIA, runs a weekly Rosary, and councils Spanish speaking patrons of St. Hugh of Lincoln parish.

Catherine McWilliams