Wisdom's Voice: SUMMER 2019 Newsletter

A Publication for and About the Associates of Wisdom
Volume 8 Issue 1

Dear Friends,

It is with great joy and sadness too that we write our final letter for Wisdom’s Voice. The joy comes with the knowledge of a job well done…a job well done by all of us Associates together during the past eight years. Just give a read to the following accomplishments that have been implemented by our Associate Community as a whole.

In 2013 the Associates of Wisdom handbook was completely revised. In 2016 it was amended to change the term of the Associates Coordinating Team to coincide with that of the Provincial Leadership Team.

The Co-Directors were part of a committee which created a joint brochure for the Daughters of Wisdom and Associates of Wisdom.

Since the inception of a yearly pledge program, the Associates have gained a large measure of financial independence.

The Associates Newsletter (Wisdom’s Voice), begun in 2012, continues to be published each year and is posted on the Associate's section of the US Province website.

The Daughters of Wisdom Jubilee celebration now includes those who have been Associates for twenty-five years.

The Associates of Wisdom sponsor (SHERO) an individual at The Center for Wisdom’s Women run by Associate Klara Tammany. We continue our sponsorship of a deaf child at Institut Montfort in Haiti.

A new formation program was developed by the AW formation committee accompanied by a detailed manual for spiritual companions.

For the first time, Associates participated in a discernment process to choose new leadership.

The sadness comes because a void of sorts appears after being in leadership of a well loved community…and we Ellie, Pat and Valerie hold our Associate family in a special place in our hearts for what’s not to love in each of us together…in all of us as community.

We are excited as the next Associate Coordinating Team--Sue, Maria and Audrey-- lead us into the future with new energy and new vision.

Wisdom’s blessings,

Ellie, Pat W., & Valerie

Wisdom the Artisan of All…

Catherine McWilliams