Christmas Reflection - Sr. Camille Solis, DW

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As we contemplate the blessings of the Christmas season, please enjoy this reprisal of Sr. Camille Solis’ Christmas reflection from 2010:

Dear All of You,

Isaiah was a prophet who lived in Jerusalem 2,700 years ago. That was almost 700 years before Jesus was born, yet he correctly prophesied Jesus’ birth.

He said, “The Lord himself will give you this sign; the virgin shall conceive, and bear a son, and shall name him Emmanuel.”…And that is exactly what happened and things have never been the same since.

So do we celebrate Christmas each year just to remember a miraculous event that took place long ago? Well in part we do, but that’s not the all of it.

This December 19, 2010 we again await a birth…a sign from God..a miracle, only this time we are the key players. The question we ask ourselves is, “What do we bring to birth in this time in which we live?”

Let me be a little less metaphoric…each time we show concern for the homeless, the wounded, the most vulnerable, we birth compassion and justice into the world.

Every time we see all people as brothers and sisters, transcending class, color, culture, religion, race, gender or orientation, we birth love into our lives.

Whenever we care for our environment, protect our wildlife, keep our waters and air clean, we birth respect for our planet.

Because Jesus/Wisdom was born and lives among us, we too have the capability, the passion, and the courage to give birth to the holy.

Let the spirit that lives within you cry holy!
Christmas blessings to you and yours.

In Wisdom’s love,
Sr. Camille

Catherine McWilliams