Dear Future Women of Wisdom,
You are called to a communal living of contemplative consciousness in service of all planetary life forms. The basic needs of humanity and those most disenfranchised must stir compassion in your hearts and a firm resolve to act for justice. Children are still neglected, women still subjugated, peoples still dominated, refugees from persecution still turned away, and our environment still degraded. You will be part of a future that challenges such unjust structures by your prophetic critique and denouncement of all that degrades life.
Contemplative prayer must be an essential element of your life. It will nurture your primary call to be of one mind, one heart and one body with life and with the Cosmos, in its most profound depths and its outer manifestations. As a future leader in society, you will need to grow in an understanding of yourself as well as society’s need for an integral lifestyle: one of solitude and community, contemplation and action. You will be called upon to make more transparent the needs, values and longings embodied in creation and in her creatures who so long for respectful, empowering and healing relationships. To nurture life and healing in our world you must drink from that Source of Life in contemplation.
Structures, created in hierarchies that only advantage those in power, are a fundamental problem in societies. Wisdom will call you to create relational webs of connection and collaboration; to look for what unites peoples while respecting the richness of their diversity. A deep regard for the sacredness of our planet must inform your impetus, and imagination to create structures that share power. You will need to support new structures that demonstrate care for the mutual welfare and empowerment of others rather than the control of individuals and resources. Structures are meant to entail relationships of cooperation that function for an agreed upon common good. As a leader, you will need to keep structures flexible and mindful of their ultimate purpose, so they remain dynamic and able to facilitate the flow of creative energy.
Scientific knowledge and spiritual insights are moving toward convergence. The worlds horizons are expanding. We now know that everything in our universe is interconnected. Every aspect of creation experiences the miraculous cycle of birth, life, and transformation through death to new life. Things come in and out of existence, are formed in darkness, birthed and nurtured by Light and return to the Source. You are called to be a Christ-light for the world. When you remain conscious that all is One and are ready to serve the One and surrender to the unfolding Mystery of what is yet to be, you are a gift to our world and will be that Light, at one with others and within yourself.
You will need to act with others. In a spirit of solidarity, mutuality, and integrity. It will be essential for our planet that you invite others to an in-depth knowing that the Sacred exists in the whole of creation; integrally in body-soul, sacred-secular, spirit-matter, so that all realize their responsibility to engage the furtherance of peace, justice and the integrity of creation. While there will be those who will work for societies’ improvement, those not steeped in “contemplative consciousness” will fall short of the depth of change required. A community of like mind people will be essential to experience the rewards of giving and receiving love and learning the art of reconciliation. The challenges will be great. The rewards for such a meaningfully dedicated life immeasurable.
Our Wisdom God will always be there to guide you. She will speak to you through Sacred Scriptures, in creation, in contemplation, in each person you encounter. Listen and take time to go within to hear in depth. In the quiet of your soul, Wisdom will provide true strength and deep peace in abundance. Our world needs you and Wisdom needs you to be Her heart and hands. Are you listening? What do you hear?