Welcome to the website of the Daughters of Wisdom, United States Delegation, established in 1949.
The spirituality of the Daughters of Wisdom is that of seeking Wisdom in ordinary, everyday experience.
As Daughters of Wisdom, we see all reality— creation, humankind, the joys and struggles of life—as interconnected sacred reality. For more than 300 years, we have ministered to countless women, men, and children, desiring to share with all our heritage of Wisdom spirituality. We follow in the spiritual footsteps of our co-founders, St. Louis Marie de Montfort and Blessed Marie Louise Trichet. At the beginning of the 18th century in France, they were captivated by Divine Wisdom.

Our Mission
We are called in community to seek and to contemplate Divine Wisdom, present in a world that hungers for meaning, justice and compassion. We seek to bring the message of Jesus, Incarnate Wisdom, to people experiencing injustice, violence, poverty and oppression, especially women and children. Click the button below to learn more about the Daughters of Wisdom.

Spirituality and Wisdom
Some spiritualities are centered on a personal relationship with God through prayer. Others are a search to know the meaning of life and the reason for humanity’s existence. Still others see the God quest inextricably connected to the struggles for justice, peace and care of creation.
But where shall Wisdom be found? And where is the place of understanding? (Job 28:12)
The Wisdom of both Testaments situates the God quest in the midst of life’s experiences (Prov. 8:12).
There we encounter Wisdom who raises her voice for the poor in the streets (Prov. 1:20).
There we glimpse Wisdom, the feminine divine, “a breath of the power of God,” a mirror of God (Wis7:25-26).
We recognize the Christ, “the power of God and the Wisdom of God” (ICor:24) who heals and serves.
Filled with ardent desire for Divine Wisdom, St. Louis de Montfort sought and found her in his life journey in the eyes of the poor and the marginalized of his day. He recognized and led others to understand Baptismal Commitment as a call to radical Christian discipleship and stewardship of all created reality. For us, as we live that commitment, Wisdom spirituality involves profound contemplation of Divine Wisdom who permeates and transforms our lives, impelling us to action for justice in a world that hungers for meaning, and compassion.
350th Anniversary of the birthdate of St. Louis Marie de Montfort Celebrated in Litchfield CT
(2/5/23) This Sunday’s Crossroads Magazine™, hosted by Father John Gatzak, featured a segment on the 350th Anniversary of the birthdate of St. Louis Marie de Montfort, the Parish in Litchfield, CT., facts about Montfort, The Shrine of Lourdes in Litchfield, and Wisdom House. The story is shared with interviews featuring Sr. Rosemarie Greco, DW, Executive Director of Wisdom House, Deborah Kelly, Fr. Don La Salle, SMM, and Fr. Stuart Pinette, SMM. Crossroads Magazine is produced by the Office of Radio & Television, an affiliate of the Archdiocese of Hartford.